Citadel High School

November 17th, 2023

Daily Announcements

Junior Achievement will be set up on Nov 21 during lunch to talk about their Company Program. This is an entrepreneurial opportunity for any students who are interested in business and leadership. The program has opportunities to win awards and scholarships, plus earn real profit, and credit towards high school graduation!  Check them out today!
All grade 11 and 12 - African ancestry students interested in attending the Dalhousie Open House next Wednesday please see Mr. Williams in Seminar room 3A to sign up

Students are welcome to donate clean, used clothing for the clothing swap that will be happening, donation bin across from the main office

Bake sale today at lunch in the foyer for outdoor leadership, come get a yummy treat

Student Council is hosting their 3 on three basketball tournament next week at lunch from november 20th to the 22nd. Remember that if you want to play your team must be signed up by midnight Saturday, teachers can make a team as well! Hope to see you there!  There will also be a 50/50 draw during the tournament!!

Attention all Grade 10 Students! The Student Council is currently accepting applications for Grade 10 Do-Crew positions. Anyone who is dedicated to the school environment and is interested in enriching and challenging public service experience is encouraged to apply. The application can be found in the Grade 10 Google Classroom and the deadline is this Friday November 17th.

The following people have Chromebooks reserved in the library. Please come and pick them up ASAP. If you do not need a Chromebook please let Ms. Lavers know so that it may be given to someone else.   Kayden van der Leest,  Inigo Belen,  Lindsay Hatsadee,  Alexander Bouchard, Shannen Irvine, and Toby Khisa

The Citadel High Student Council is hosting a coffee house on Wednesday, November 29th at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. If you would like to perform a Sign-Up form which can be found in every google classroom and on the Student Council’s Instagram Page.

Grade 12s: you can now submit your grad quotes for the yearbook! More info and the form to submit them can be found in the grade level google classroom.

The Rotary Club is collecting hats and mitts in a box outside the office for SoulsHarbour for the month of November. All donations are welcome and support a good cause!


Have a fantastic Friday, make good choices and be kind to one another